How to save a relationship on the rocks? Or improve one stuck in a rut? Clients and therapists recommend the Gottman Method.

The Gottman Method is a common-sense but science-driven approach to couples therapy.
Founder and psychologist John Gottman relies on 40 years of research and counseling experience to help clients in relationship trouble.

“Although you may feel your situation is unique, we have found that all marital conflicts fall into two categories, either they can be resolved or they are perpetual, which means that they will be part of your lives forever in some form or another.” Gottman writes in one of his best-selling books, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.

69% of all marital conflicts are ongoing

Gottman, professor emeritus at the University of Washington and the winner of four research awards from the National Institute of Mental Health, says 69 percent of all marital conflicts are perpetual, which is why they are of particular focus during therapy.

Couples who seek help from a Gottman-trained therapist can expect:

  • A thorough  assessment of their relationship
  • Research-based interventions
  • Strategies that work equally well for people of all races, economic and cultural backgrounds, and gender preferences.

Some of the relationship issues that may be addressed include:

  • Frequent conflict and arguments
  • Poor communication
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Infidelity
  • Money
  • Parenting
  • In-laws

Goals of the Gottman Method:

  • Clients learn to make behavioral changes that can improve their relationship.
  • They also learn that they, like most couples, have issues that won’t go away. Instead of getting mired in gridlock, they acknowledge and work around those differences.
  • Gottman-trained therapists are in the business of saving and improving relationships. During the counseling process, however, clients will learn if they have a future together or if it might be best to separate.

Strengths in the Gottman Method:

  • This therapy is based on more than 40 years of scientific research.
  • Strategies are common-sensical.
  • They can work for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural background or gender preferences.

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